"Triple P" Power PB13-Pattersby

Good Stuff About Wrestling

I figured this would be a bit of a departure from, well, EVERY other wrestling commentary on the 'net...

Quick note:  I left Rantsylvania because, quite frankly, I've got a lot on my mind at the moment, not the least of which is the fact that I'm approaching my one-year anniversary of graduating from college and full-time employment STILL eludes me.   I'm seriously thinking of going back to school to take a few more classes to see if that helps me in that area.

And Scott Keith spelled my last name wrong.  Should I be HONORED or...?


Deserving wrestlers being elevated:  Well, I guess this had to happen, seeing as how Steve Austin's on the shelf indefinitely, Mankind's getting ready to hang it up, and Undertaker's been on the shelf for a few months.  They need upper-level players and people have stepped up to the plate.

Al Snow's already way over as a heel thanks to the angle with Mankind, and he's finally getting a chance to wrestle in the ring like he's able to do.  Chris Jericho's WAY over and will most likely be packing the I-C strap in a few days, a mere four months into his WWF tenure; SURE he made a bad career decision.  Val Venis(despite his inexplicable return to facedom) has settled into an upper-card role.   Test has been elevated thanks to his association with the McMahon family.  And oh yeah, that Triple H guy has gotten about ten times cooler in the past week and a half...

Kurt Angle:  After wallowing in dark matches for months, he hit the WWF with the proverbial subtlety of a garbage truck at Survivor Series.  Now he's over as a heel after less than a month in the WWF, AND the guy can wrestle(always a perk).

People on their way in/back:  The aforementioned Undertaker could be back on TV very soon.  Ditto Ken Shamrock and Stevie Richards, who have both been out with injuries.  Throw in Papi Chulo(once they have a gimmick for him or something), Amy "Miss Congeniality" Dumas, and oh yeah, that Taz fella...

Increased emphasis on wrestling:  The WWF could hardly pass for New Japan Pro Wrestling these days, but the matches have gotten increasingly longer(well, hey, 4-5 minutes isn't bad when you consider that the matches used to go, what, thirty seconds?).  Plus undercard guys are getting a chance to shine, especially in the tag team division(Kaientai's not only back on TV but WINNING MATCHES?  What planet is this?  And since when does Too Cool nearly beat the New Age Outlaws?  And since when are the HARDY BOYS way over?  'Course, Terri Runnels could have something to do with that...).

Heat becoming Shotgun v2.0:  Not bad having another semi-"pure wrestling" show around.  Plus we get to see the Acolytes kill some people on a good week.  >:)

WrestleMania 2000:  This video game rocks, 'nuff said.

Women's division revived:  Okay, I could do without Sable v2.0(aka "B.B."), but at least Ivory's getting some much-deserved TV time.  Luna and Tori have stuff to do, even if it's only managerial stuff...and would someone PLEASE give that poor girl Jacquelyn an angle?  I can put up with Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young as long as they stay OUT of the ring.


Chris Benoit push:  Out of all of the things that the Powerz That Be("z" because they're from NEW YAWK) have screwed up since they arrived, at least they got THIS right.  Benoit's gotten the opportunity to fight the main-eventers and look good against them, and it's about time.

Bret Hart as WCW World Champion:  Somehow that belt just looks RIGHT around his waist, plus he's back into "fighting champion" mode and defending the belt a lot.  Good to see.

Um...I'll keep ya posted on this one.


Pushing the up-and-comers:  ECW could have easily used their TNN show to push the established guys like Tommy Dreamer, but instead they've used it as a vehicle to showcase Tajiri, Super Crazy, Rhino, and the Impact Players.  Seems like Super Crazy's on every damn week, not that I'm complaining.  ;)

Roster depth:  Where are all of these people coming from?  Vic Grimes, 2 Cold Scorpio(if he's sticking around), Mikey Whipwreck, Ikuto Hidaka(did I spell that right?)...Dusty Rhodes?  Er...

Commentary:  From watching the ECW PPVs, I prefer the broadcast team of Joey Styles and Cyrus, but Styles and Joel Gertner are very entertaining week after week on TNN.  Great to finally see ECW on a regular basis.


Oh, and I'm biased.


Please help keep "Triple P" PowerPB13-Pattersby in a good mood by e-mailing him at powerpb13@hotmail.com.

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